Friday, January 11, 2013

Doormat Dialogue

Really, Lord? I do have my limits, you know. No one should be treated this poorly! It's time I take my stand. This turning the other cheek thing isn't working. It only seems to embolden them and their uncanny need to humiliate me. I'm done! This is the last time they walk all over me. Certainly, it is not your will for me to be treated like a doormat. Why, I'm your child!

Really? My child? You could have fooled me ~ except for one fact ~ I am God! What's wrong with being a doormat, anyway?

What's wrong with being a doormat? How would you like someone wiping his feet all over you? Oh! Sorry, Lord. I guess I forgot whom I was talking to for a moment. You do know what I mean though, don't you? Why, it's just ~ it's just degrading. That's what it is ~ degrading.

My child, you have it all wrong. What you need is a fresh perspective. Yes, it is true. A doormat is designed to wipe one's shoes on before entering the house. But it can also be a thing of beauty. A doormat not only serves as a welcoming invitation into a home, it helps keep the house clean. You do like a clean house, don't you?

Well, yes ~ who doesn't! But, what's your point, Lord?

Have I not told you, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:30)? Laying down one's life should not be looked on as a degrading task, but as an act of love.  I laid my life down for you so that you can walk in righteousness. Follow my example, and love others as I have loved you. Laying down one's life is a good thing, especially if it means, someone's walk will be cleansed.

Well, I never thought of it like that, Lord. True, there is no greater calling than to lay down one's life so that another can enter your presence ~ leaving all the dirt at the door. I want my usefulness to outweigh my beauty. Life has its share of useless decor.

Oh, I'm sorry, Lord. I didn't mean to leave you standing at the door. Won't you come in? But, don't mind me . . . I'm just "laying" down.

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